Summer time is notorious for some of the biggest blockbuster hits in history! The season has officially started in Chelan and although things are different this year, we still have all the summer feels. Looking for a little inspiration to set your summer mood? Here’s a few of the most nostalgic summer time films that will have you ready to jump in the lake!
GREASE (1978) John Travolta and Olivia Newton John star in one of the most iconic and famous musicals of all time GREASE! This film will have you on your feet and singing “You’re the one that I love!”
WEEKEND AT BERNIES (1989) This cult classic comedy will have you rolling on the ground laughing! A classic tail of two friends who’s epic summer weekend, turns into a nightmare.
THE SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (2005) You will laugh cry and call your best friend after going on a journey with these girls and their pants!
THE SANDLOT (1993) Nothing says summer like the 4th of July and baseball with your best friends in the park! Take a trip down memory lane with this crew and gear up for some serious nostalgia!
500 DAYS OF SUMMER (2009) This adorable indie rom-com will get you giddy for love, make you want to break up and fall in love again. Reminisce on your first summer fling and fall for this adorable duo.