
Happy Holidays!

The Holidays are in full swing! We are reminiscing on our favorite weekends at the Ruby, hosting free Matinees sponsored by our local stores for all every weekend in December. They are some of our favorite times of the year! Although things aren’t the same this season, there is still

Giving Thanks!

2020 has gone by so fast and will go down as being one of the most “memorable” years in history. There were great moments and great losses but one thing is certain, we ALL learned how to adjust. Some of us were pleasantly surprised by the new lifestyle change and

Looking up!

November’s wonderful Leonid meteor shower is active from about November 6 to 30 each year. The peak is expected in 2020 on the morning of November 17. The shower happens as our world crosses the orbital path of Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle. Like many comets, Tempel-Tuttle litters its orbit with bits of debris.

Saluting our American Soldiers!

What a week it’s been for America. Honoring those who have served for our country couldn’t come at a better time. This November 11th is Veterans Day and whether you are a Veteran, have a loved one who is or you are just proud to be an American, we are

Celebrating Dia De Los Muertos!

The annual Mexican celebration, Día de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead), is a time when families gather to honor and remember deceased loved ones. It is believed that the souls of the dead return to visit the living families in homes, businesses and cemeteries. The Aztec

It’s getting spooky out there!

The air is just a bit chillier, the nights are a little bit darker and the creeks and whistles are a little bit louder this time of year. There is no denying that October brings an oh-so-welcomed spooky feelings, thoughts and stories. But the terror doesn’t really set in until

Are you a Genius?

Throughout history, there have been millions of creative, analytical and even ‘insane’ geniuses. Some misunderstood and even hated for their beautiful and complex God given gifts. Some of them never earning their worth until well after their death and others, still unknown. Something we can take away from these inspirational

Got the rainy day blues?!?

Fall is officially here! The weather is changing quickly and with summer in our rearview, we need to change gears and start getting ready for the cooler and sometimes unpredictable weather. We’ve found the perfect list of films to embrace even romanticize the rainy days ahead. We hope you

On a Quest !

Much like a movie, 2020 has been one big adventure for all of us.  We have all been on one long roller coaster of uncertainty. Some of us facing challenges we never could have imagined. Others facing adversity head on. And all of us, learning a big lesson in what

Kindness Works!

The Ruby Theatre celebrates all our local individuals, groups, schools, organizations and businesses that promote kindness and compassion year round, and especially during this time of challenges and change. For example, did you know that since the pandemic began Tender Loving Care for Seniors volunteers have been phoning and using

Ruby Theatre Sketch

Watch current first run movies in comfortable seats, with quality sound, and digital projection.

Experience the Ruby with its original horseshoe balcony, tin ceiling, and cast plaster proscenium arch which are essentially the same as when the “Photo Play House” was constructed in 1914.

See you at The Ruby!


135 E. Woodin Ave., Chelan, Wa., USA, 98831
135 E. Woodin Ave. Chelan, Wa. USA, 98831


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